Sunday, September 6, 2009

What Does Bejhan Mean

rainwater harvesting

One conclusion of the Federal Environmental Agency: Because of high costs and hygienic problems is the use of rain water is not recommended that the drainage is better targeted.

comes in terms of the economics of the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) concluded that a non-subsidized system is generally not currently charged. The construction costs for storage, pipelines, filters and pumps are loud authority in the range of 2.500 to 5.0000 € - depending proportion of own performance and the size of the memory.

A four-person household, which replaced a year on average 40 cubic meters of drinking water through rain water harvesting saves, at a price of two euros per cubic meter of about 80 € a year. When including the use of rain water even for washing clothes, a savings of 60 cubic meters, resulting in an annual financial savings of 120 €. The maintenance by a company must be also estimated at 100 € per year. In contrast, we get a year for investment of the construction costs at a rate of 2.5 per cent interest at 75-150 Euro.

contrast, is targeted infiltration of rain water, according to UBA good for the environment. Rain water is used, our aquifers regularly replenish. In many heavily populated areas of the natural water cycle is at risk. to get in or restore requires the use of rain water to break new ground.

rain water to use for garden irrigation is recommended without reservation. However, schont die Regenwassernutzung im Haushalt – etwa zum Wäschewaschen – wegen des geringen Spareffektes kaum das Grundwasser. Aus ökologischen Gründen ist die Regenwasserversickerung auch hier die bessere Alternative. Zudem führt, wie bereits aufgezeigt, Regenwassernutzung im Haushalt nicht zu einer echten Kostenersparnis, da Anschaffungs- und Wartungskosten bei korrekter Handhabung der notwendigen Installation vergleichsweise hoch sind und die Hygiene oftmals nicht ausreichend gewährleistet ist.

Peter Wohlfarth

Sachverständiger für Schäden an Gebäuden

Friday, August 14, 2009

Kidde Turn Off Announcement

defuse conflicts in the construction

is not always the path to justice is inevitable. Frequently, however, disputes may be resolved by mutual agreement out of court settlement.
There is the possibility of conciliation (mediation). The goal of this procedure is to "defuse" conflicts with the initiation of disagreements and disputes between the parties in the development and own initiative to assist with the assistance of an expert in finding a solution. The focus is
fact and no legal solution. If
extend these initial mediation efforts unsuccessful, will be submitted in a further step to the parties a conciliation proposal.
If the parties agree with the arbitration proposal, it is binding between both parties.
It is obvious that it can pass through a non-judicial dispute resolution rather to a lasting peace by political parties as a common solution is developed.
addition to the arbitration has many advantages:

- cost savings
The cost of the procedure are always straightforward, because the scope of a mediation effort by hours usually be determined.

- Time factor
Again, the mediation process and the end of a conflict in general predict what might of timeframes of judicial proceedings over several instances is never the case.

- personal responsibility
highest possible acceptance by the parties to the conflict with the results achieved.

Before deciding on an out-of-court settlement should be considered if recommended for the specific case. Of course, also plays a role if both parties are willing to negotiate.

Peter Wohlfarth
expert for damage to buildings

Thursday, July 23, 2009

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Federal Council approves new HOAI to

the Federal Council on 12 June 2009 brought in by the federal government's draft of revising the HOAI agreed. This is the 6th HOAI novella complete. The HOAI enter into force one day following the announcement in the Federal Law Gazette. This is the end of July to be expected.

The main changes in the HOAI.

contrast to the recent amendments to the HOAI there will be no transitional regulation. The HOAI 2009 applies only to those contracts that were concluded after its entry into force. For previously signed contracts continue to apply HOAI 1996, as amended 2002nd
Attention: oral agreements are binding.

is an important substantive revision. that the HOAI only for object-and space planning and the performance of structural design and technical equipment includes binding prices. For the benefits of building physics, the noise protection, soil and foundation engineering and surveying, the parties are free to take fees. In the appendix, two honorary plaques found for these services, but these are to be regarded only as a recommendation.
must also note the parties to the contract in future planning, that the fee is determined on the basis of mutually agreed costing. There is a mandatory part in no way to calculate the fee based on the cost of the attack on established costs. Changes in the course of the planning process of the responsible Scope of services at the request of the client with the result of the change of eligible costs to the fee underlying agreement by written agreement adjust. The planner should then connect immediately with cost increases in contact with the client to obtain a fee adjustment.

The existing buildings should be noted that in the future not the jointly building with the determination of the eligible costs must be considered. As compensation, the legislature has given the option to make an alteration charge up to 80%. The planner must then calculate the charges and agreed early on in the necessary restructuring charge. If no agreement taken for the conversion surcharge, the fee applies as from Zone II in any case an increase of 20%, but this can not in any particular case are sufficient.

Other new features:

The table values \u200b\u200bare increased by 10%

The hourly rates to be freely agreed

For costs below, a bonus of up to 20% be agreed for cost overrun penalty of up to 5%

The special services can be found in a non-binding annex. A fee may be freely agreed.

The HOAI regarded as so-called national scheme only for companies based in Germany. This is the conformity with the EU Services Directive given.

Peter Wohlfarth
expert for damage to buildings

Monday, May 11, 2009

I Have A Bruised Feeling In My Head

scrapping for heating

Now modernize the heating and handling cash.
Replace your old, inefficient heating system with an efficient, environmentally friendly, energy-solar-system support. Enjoy up to 50% lower energy costs and high government subsidies. Possible with the solar-fired heating by Junkers. Over 2,000 € stately support possible for a boiler replacement.

Technical information: Jens Barthel

Heating - Klima - Sanitär
Brücknerstraße 22
08499 Mylau
Telefon 03765 382453
Telefax 03765 382124

Peter Wohlfarth
Sachverständiger für Schäden an Gebäuden

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Connect Regulator To A Fan

April 1, 2009 - Check KfW support for energy rehabilitation

Die Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) hat zum 1. April 2009 ihr Förderprogramm den Bedürfnissen der der wohnungswirtschaftlichen Realität angenähert. Bisher konnten zum Beispiel für die energetische Sanierung von Gebäuden nur ganze Maßnahmepakete mit einem Investitionsvolumen von mehreren zehntausend Euro gefördert werden. Nun sind auch Einzelmaßnahmen, such as the renewal of windows, eligible. The advantage is that individual parts of the building restored gradually to be. Also new is the promotion of the acquisition already energetically renovated building.

In "modernize housing" under the option "Age-based conversion" of the program, KfW now promotes activities that lead to a barrier reduction in the home or living environment. Per unit, a maximum loan amount of 50,000 € for the age-based reconstruction measures are provided.

What is now supported:

first barrier Reducing-or non-conversion of apartments and residential buildings / create

eg movement areas:

· bypass existing steps to the front door

· handrails on both sides

· technische Vorrichtungen zum Gebäudezuzritt

· Einbau von Aufzügen, bei bedarf in Verbindung mit zusätzlichen Maßnahmen zur

Erreichung von Wohnungen in Obergeschossen

· Herstellung ausreichend breiter Türöffnungen zum Wohnungszugang

· adaptation of the apartment floor plan

· widening of door openings

· bypass or disconnect thresholds

· reconstruction of sanitation facilities

· building services

second Barrierereduzierende or free adaptations of the living environment and creating

classrooms as:

· production of barrier-reduced or-free paths and squares

· storage space at the entrance

· barrierereduzierten oder –frei erreichbare Entsorgungseinrichtungen

· Errichtung von Stellplätzen

· Errichtung von Gruppenräumen oder Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen

3. Energieeffizientes bauen oder Sanieren

· buying or building a KFW efficiency or passive house

· refurbishment that is required for heating is low energy, to promote: heating, insulation, ventilation, windows, consider the energy consumption.

· If this does not require a credit can apply for a grant.

· production of energy through solar power, biomass or geothermal energy

addition to support actions on floor space expansion or apartment-sharing, especially if the new jobs created is intended for residential space intergenerational housing.

Peter Wohlfarth

expert for damage to buildings

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

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defects Freis Building

for their money, the builders of course expect a conforming and defective design and construction for the new construction or modernization.

But still dive for a study by the Institute for Building Research Association (IoM) was carried out on behalf of Verbrauerschutzorganisation builders Welfare Association (bsb9, generally average about 12 serious structural defects during the construction phase on. Between 11,000 € 00 and € 12.00,00 owners save other hand, according to the study if they have a building survey by einen unabhängigen Bausachverständigen in Anspruch nehmen.

Der Ärger kann schon bei der Bau-, und Leistungsbeschreibung beginnen die oft unvollständig oder zu allgemein gehalten ist. Hier lohnt sich eine genau Prüfung und gegebenenfalls harte Verhandlungen mit dem Bauunternehmer. Während des Bauens selbst wird ein Sachverständiger häufig erst hinzugezogen, wenn schwerwiegende Baumängel schon aufgetreten sind. Dann ist das Verhältnis zwischen Bauherren und Unternehmer oft bereits empfindlich gestört und kann nur durch ein Konfliktmanagement ch eines Bausachverständigen gelöst werden.

ei einer hohen Control density of eight to ten site visits, however, the experts find flaws in the rule even before the child has fallen into the well.

The range of control begins with the foundation work, including the civil works from the basement to the roof, roof covering. Plumbing, window and raw installation, plaster and insulation, drywall and floor tile work and building services.

According to a recent survey of over 500 home builders, is the awareness of the quality problem certainly exists. This is what almost 89% of respondents in the largest construction defects Risk for house construction. 78% referred to the excess of the planned construction costs as a risk, failure to meet the construction feared a third.

Peter Wohlfarth

expert for damage to buildings

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

After Quit Smoking Symptoms


is in many homes in Germany much of the heat through poorly insulated roofs lost. Even in a normal house with only 100 square meters of roof surface, the heat losses per year to several hundred liters of heating oil summieren.
Aufsparren-Dämmsystem aus Polyurethan-Hartschaum (PUR) bieten hier die optimale Lösung im Rahmen einer Sanierung als auch bei Neubauten.
Wie eine wärmedämmende Haut legt sich die Dämmung lückenlos auf die Dachkonstruktion

Wärmebrücken durch Sparren und andere Konstruktionselemente sind dabei ausgeschlossen.
Dank ihrer hervorragenden Dämmeigenschaften sind die Schichten bei den PUR Systemen extrem dünn; durch ihre hohe Steifigkeit benötigen sie keine zusaätzlichen Unterkonstruktionen wie Schalungen, kö nnen also direkt auf die vorhandene Sparrenlage verlegt werden.

Aber Achtung, auch unter der innen seitig kaschierten Pur-Elementen is a breathable roofing membrane to be arranged.

Peter Wohlfarth
expert for damage to Spectacular buildings

Friday, March 27, 2009

Circuite Diagram Of 6 V Battery Charger

heating systems for energy-saving regulations

building for energy saving regulations (EnEV) and after the subsidy standards KfW-60 and KfW-40

Building EnEV

The Energy Conservation Act, introduced in 2002 with updates in 2004 and 2007, the energy assessment of the building envelope in the annual primary energy consumption as a measure for the approval of a construction project replaced and binds as a holistic system, the energy efficiency of heating technicians.

The complete home automation system with boiler, hot water heat distribution and is thus, in addition to the well-insulated and tight building envelope, a key factor of the energy building on the basis of EnEV.

following combinations satisfy the requirements primäerenergetischen (rollover rule):

gas condensing technology: all system combinations
heat pump technology: all system combinations
pellet technique: all system combinations

criteria for KfW-60

The primary energy demand allowed per square meter of floor space the value does not exceed 60 kWh and related to the building envelope, heat loss must be the maximum value less after EnEV for a new building by at least 30%.

following combinations satisfy the primäerenergetischen requirements (rollover rule):

gas condensing technology: with WRG 80% Solar heat pump technology integration
: geothermal heat pumps with exhaust system
air / water / WP / system with heat recovery and solar
Air heating systems with heat recovery + WP
pellet technique: all system combinations

criteria for KfW-40

apply here more extensively tightened see pg. There are one annual primary energy requirement of ≤ 40 kWh per square meter of floor space and the building envelope, heat loss of at least 45% in new buildings stipulated level gefordert.

Bei eine Nachweis nach des Passivhausrichtlinien –die ist auch möglich- darf der Jahresheizwärmebedarf des Gebäudes, bei Einbeziehung von Wärmerückgewinnen durch Wohnungslüftungsanlagen, nicht über 15 kWh pro Quadratmeter Wohnfläche (Energiebezugsfläche) liegen. Der Jahresprimärenergiebedarf darf nach EnEV 40 kWh pro Quadratmeter der Gebäudenutzfläche nicht überschreiten.

Folgende Kombinationen erfüllen the primäerenergetischen requirements (rollover rule):

gas condensing technology: with WRG 92% and solar integration
heat pump technology: geothermal heat pumps with heat recovery

92% air / water / WP / system with heat recovery and solar air heating systems with heat recovery
+ WP
pellet technique: all system combinations

abbreviation explanation:
WRG = Wärnerückgewinnung
WP = heat pump

Peter Wohlfarth

expert for damage to buildings


Thursday, February 26, 2009

How Many Calories In Chicken Curry From Chinese

construction progress and quality always

The 1 January 2009 debt security, which came into force (FoSiG) serves to ensure that requirements of the contracting company and its financial demands. Private developers need to know these new rules. After the Supreme Court ruling (AZ.: VII ZR 55/08) of 24 July 2008, the privilege the VOB (contract procedure for building works) for consumer contracts in the building has disappeared, changed the contractual landscape.

first time, the law stipulates that the entrepreneur Security must be paid. These apply to the timely completion of construction works without any major defects, are about five percent of the gross compensation claim and are at the first tee of the invoice. Changes and amendments to the contract by more than 10 percent, building owners with the next installment of security is another 5 percent of the additional compensation grant. These securities may be withheld from consumers. Alternatively, submitted by the contractors and security services such as completion guarantees or completion guarantee insurance of a credit institution.

The arrangements for payments remain due to lack of transparency for the authorities, often opaque and should be examined by an expert before signing.

The lien in case of defects has been reduced to the original owners of three times the estimated cost to remedy the defect twice. The law should not be denied because of minor defects or irregularities enterprising added to the building payments. Nevertheless, the principle of payment according to construction progress and are actually provided defect-free performance. To claim for rectification enforce, it is more important during the construction phase defects in the nature and extent specifically identify it in writing with a deadline for removal and make up to that point of retention.

changes with the demand Guarantee Act is also in the Civil Code fixed right of termination for clients. Entrepreneurs is in contract termination by the customer, therefore a suspected compensation of 5 per cent of the remuneration to the not yet rendered part of the plant output to. Contracts should therefore not be dismissed lightly builders and without expert or legal counsel.

Since the VOB as a basis for private clients is virtually abolished and the new claim focuses primarily on law to ensure companies have private consumers in the building even more careful attention to their concerns.

why it is not enough to guarantee retention and trust. Rather, in contracting with the assistance of an expert is hard negotiations and the construction process are continuously monitored to be maintained and agreed quality.

is important that the client is an independent expert brings to the side that controls the construction project and monitored.

Peter Wohlfarth

expert for damage to buildings

Unique Words Of Congratulations Birth

repair obligation - construction companies

A new landmark ruling of the Federal Court of Justice (Case No.: VII ZR 64/00000004) strengthens the rights of the owners at botch.

repair is mandatory in the future!

craftsmen or contractors may be required to rectify defects, even if this involves a considerable effort by the ruling. Previously, builders had to give poor work often satisfied with a reduction in the total bill if the builder or tradesman a remedy was rejected because of enormous cost.

Peter Wohlfarth

expert for damage to buildings

Images Of The Semen And The Penis

characteristics of cohesive soil

A filling of the working space around the building with the existing excavated material, provided it contains cohesive elements is not allowed.
The cohesive soil is not able to guarantee a flow of leachate.
It may therefore come to the impoundment of water. This in turn may result in the load case for the changes the seal was originally planned.
standard is shown that the filling of room, and the preparation of the drainage layer and the packaging of Perforated drainage pipe with a filter made of mixed sand-gravel (grading curve B32 or A8).
So it is often more meaningful and real, especially in cases where cohesive soil exists, the cover of the drainage layer with a coarse gravel or crushed stone (this is in the base area around the house out eaves strip then simultaneously splash guard and separated humic acid soil from the plaster and the moist air from the Erdzone zone) run. It also avoided the surface water on basement windows or skylights penetrate.
The light wells deeper basement windows should be well connected to the land drainage. Such material, which in Area of \u200b\u200bthe grading curve for frost protection in road gravel lies can be regarded as fixed filter, usually against the upcoming soils and also to the up to 1.2 mm wide slots of the land drainage.

is seen from this perspective that is necessary for a cohesive soil stone pack installed as drainage layer. It is important to ensure that the drainage layer is prevented by a filter paper before einschlämmen of soil in the filter layer, unless the built-in layer is so thick that can build up a natural filter.

Peter Wohlfarth
expert for damage to buildings

Monday, February 23, 2009

Slogans On Toothpaste

February 2009, owners search for RTL Reportage

The builders are looking for, the after completions of the renovation, for a house purchase or for a construction defect have found, and need help in enforcing your rights.
This would then resume after prior consultation of experts Peter Wohlfarth with a television crew of the fillet Film GmbH the matter on the ground and discuss further measures.

If interested, contact Please check with the experts Peter Wohlfarth

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do You Need To Use Bait With A Swedish Pimple

February 2009 - request technical Accompaniment for RTL Reportage

The fillet Film GmbH is requested, top personnel of the expert Peter Wohlfarth in a report on home ownership, the notice only after a house purchase or construction defects of a building at their new home, wants.
The documentary is being produced for the weekly documentary series "30 minutes of Germany", which runs every Monday at 23:30 on RTL clock.

Peter Wohlfarth

expert for damage to buildings

Monday, February 2, 2009

Lindsey Dawn Mc Kensey

recovery of private opinion in court

The court may place a document produced by a private party report which is to be considered as a qualified party talk, a damage estimate based on § 287 ZPO. Between the parties in dispute has arisen whether and to what extent a loss, the commission is of (other) experts at the discretion of the court.

Munich Higher Regional Court, Judgement, 18.10.2001 - 14 U 32/01 as OLGR OLGR Hamburg 2003, 235

Peter Wohlfarth
expert for damage to buildings

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Female Genatalia Tattoos

The expert evidence in proceedings in December 2008 listing as

In general, it will be necessary to hire an expert in construction processes before entering into a process. Only with the help of an expert opinion it is the lawyer will usually only possible to provide the court with a correct representation of the physical or structural situation and problems and in this way the property and casualty level sufficient to bring the courts close. Defects in the pleadings representation in court proceedings that may be caused by the failure to obtain a report by experts may pose a risk in itself, holds that the court of the party talk for undecided. A properly created court opinion will force the quasi intensively to deal with the facts and the law.

also been consulting a lawyer will often require an expert to detect, difficult situations to ultimately assess the prospects and risks of a process.

in the cost reimbursement of a process obtained usually see the courts at the expense of private opinion as a necessary cost of legal proceedings and therefore can be imposed on the opponent.

Soweit die Geschädigten beabsichtigt sofort ein Gerichtsgutachten einzuholen, so stellt sich die Frage, ob zunächst nur ein selbständiges Beweisverfahren gemäß §§ 485 ff. ZPO eingeleitet werden soll oder gleich die Einleitung eines regulären Klageverfahrens oder das erstere Verfahren dem Klageverfahren vorgeschaltet werden soll.

Sinn und Zweck des selbständigen Beweisverfahrens ist es, eine gerichtliche Beweissicherung zu erreichen und in einem ggf. anschließenden Klageverfahren auf diese gerichtliche Beweissicherung(quasi vorweggenommene Beweisaufnahme des Klageverfahrens) zu berufen.

Vorteilig ist, dass by these methods, the choice of any limitation period of warranty claims the buyer may be delayed. Another advantage is the fact that initially only small court costs incurred. The advantage of rapid short-term evidence-securing by this method can often fail because of long-term scheduling of the courts.

A disadvantage is the fact that at the end of such proceedings, neither judge nor any judicial decision is pronounced, which regulates the claims concluded. There is no decision was made about the costs. A subsequent appeal proceedings will therefore be very likely. Immediately initiated legal proceedings can therefore also lead more quickly to the desired decision of the court.

Peter Wohlfarth

expert for damage to buildings