Friday, March 27, 2009

Circuite Diagram Of 6 V Battery Charger

heating systems for energy-saving regulations

building for energy saving regulations (EnEV) and after the subsidy standards KfW-60 and KfW-40

Building EnEV

The Energy Conservation Act, introduced in 2002 with updates in 2004 and 2007, the energy assessment of the building envelope in the annual primary energy consumption as a measure for the approval of a construction project replaced and binds as a holistic system, the energy efficiency of heating technicians.

The complete home automation system with boiler, hot water heat distribution and is thus, in addition to the well-insulated and tight building envelope, a key factor of the energy building on the basis of EnEV.

following combinations satisfy the requirements primäerenergetischen (rollover rule):

gas condensing technology: all system combinations
heat pump technology: all system combinations
pellet technique: all system combinations

criteria for KfW-60

The primary energy demand allowed per square meter of floor space the value does not exceed 60 kWh and related to the building envelope, heat loss must be the maximum value less after EnEV for a new building by at least 30%.

following combinations satisfy the primäerenergetischen requirements (rollover rule):

gas condensing technology: with WRG 80% Solar heat pump technology integration
: geothermal heat pumps with exhaust system
air / water / WP / system with heat recovery and solar
Air heating systems with heat recovery + WP
pellet technique: all system combinations

criteria for KfW-40

apply here more extensively tightened see pg. There are one annual primary energy requirement of ≤ 40 kWh per square meter of floor space and the building envelope, heat loss of at least 45% in new buildings stipulated level gefordert.

Bei eine Nachweis nach des Passivhausrichtlinien –die ist auch möglich- darf der Jahresheizwärmebedarf des Gebäudes, bei Einbeziehung von Wärmerückgewinnen durch Wohnungslüftungsanlagen, nicht über 15 kWh pro Quadratmeter Wohnfläche (Energiebezugsfläche) liegen. Der Jahresprimärenergiebedarf darf nach EnEV 40 kWh pro Quadratmeter der Gebäudenutzfläche nicht überschreiten.

Folgende Kombinationen erfüllen the primäerenergetischen requirements (rollover rule):

gas condensing technology: with WRG 92% and solar integration
heat pump technology: geothermal heat pumps with heat recovery

92% air / water / WP / system with heat recovery and solar air heating systems with heat recovery
+ WP
pellet technique: all system combinations

abbreviation explanation:
WRG = Wärnerückgewinnung
WP = heat pump

Peter Wohlfarth

expert for damage to buildings



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