Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kate Playgrouns Online

what must be considered in the final acceptance

What is in building law and contract law respects the loss? It is a turning point in the construction activities.

first With the decline in the construction period ends, so it is therefore also
a completion message.

second With the decrease in the risk passes to the owners of the
result, the burden of proof reverses. (see VOB / B
§ 12 paragraph 6). This means after collection, the building owner, for
not listed in the acceptance report defects and hidden
; prove defects, who caused a specific defect.

third With the decline in the period of limitation of warranty,
means after the acceptance of any defects
warranty defects before it was fulfillment of deficiencies.

The limitation period is interrupted

a) VOB contracts by detectable defects in writing within the period

b) BGB contracts by court order, request for judicial
evidence or action is brought within the time limit

4th From the decrease leitet sich eine Zahlungsverpflichtung entsprechend
    der vertraglichen Vereinbarungen ab.

5. Die Abnahme ist reglementiert:

    a) Im BGB - der Kaufsache § 433/448 - des Werkes § 640/646

    b) in der VOB/B § 12

6. Besonderheiten:

    Zu unterscheiden sind die

    - förmliche Abnahme mit schriftlichem Protokoll gemäß
       VOB / B § 12 No. 4 / 1

- notional acceptance by putting / Inbenutzungnahme
VOB / B § 12 No. 5 / 1

; With the acceptance, no reservations to submit to obtain the consent
claims for:

- already known defects

- Penalty if agreed

The decrease is a unilateral declaration of the owner if the contractor
not signed the acceptance certificate, the
without any relevance. The client should then send the records to be provided
or detectable post.

to acceptance of the contractor to protect its own performance.

Peter Wohlfarth
expert for damage to buildings


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